Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae (ICG), Germany

Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae (ICG) is a digital collection of early Greek Christian inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece dating from ca. II–VI CE. In continuation of a repository published in edition|topoi, the primary objective of the ICG database is to collect systematically and organise regionally all the known early Greek Christian inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece dating approximately between the second and the fifth or sixth centuries AD. This digital collection does not constitute a digital epigraphic corpus per se, nor is it intended to replace printed critical editions of the original texts. Rather, it is a repertory whose primary purpose is to record early Greek Christian epigraphic documents, and to assist researchers with the analysis and interpretation of material to write historical accounts on the rise and expansion of Early Christianity in Asia Minor and Greece in the series ECAM and ECG.

The database contains so far more than 4,300 inscriptions and 6,200 images from central Anatolia (Lycaonia, Phrygia, Galatia) and from mainland Greece (Attica, Corinthia, Central Greece, Macedonia, and the Peloponnese), the northern Balkans (e.g. Thracia), and some Aegean islands. Inscriptions from the northern, western, and southern coastal regions of Asia Minor (e.g., Asia, Caria, Ionia, Bithynia, Pontus, Pamphylia and Pisidia, and  Cilicia) and the remaining Agean islands, will also be processed and included in the database in the coming few years.

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